博洛尼亚陶瓷展 | 再出击,鹰牌陶瓷连续23次参展国际顶级盛会


27th September to 1st October 2021, Cersaie stunningly returns to the Bologna Exhibition Centre afterone year’s suspend due to the Covid-19 2020. Founded in 1983, the Bologna Exhibition is the leading constructional ceramics exhibition in Europe and even the world, and it is also the direction indicator of the ceramic and sanitary ware industry.


Since 1998, Eagle Brandhas represented the Chinese ceramic industry to exhibit at the Bologna Ceramics and Sanitary Exhibition in Italy for 23 consecutive years, showing the innovative strength of Chinese enterprises,elevating the foreigners’ cognitionof Chinese ceramic companies.In recent years, Eagle Brand has continually brought more Chinese elements to the world, allowing more counterparts to understand Chinese culture, letting Chinese designs to be trended with the world and competing with the outstanding counterparts.



23rdconsecutive attendance in Cersaie,

showing Chinese ingenuity to the world;

鹰牌这次博洛尼亚展位的设计,坚持以中国传统文化“月亮窗”作为代表元素,融合张扬丰富的色彩元素,传统与现代结构、色彩的碰撞,让世界陶瓷行业看到现代下的中国文化之美,催生新的设计灵感。借此表达持续23次参展博洛尼亚陶瓷卫浴展的鹰牌,始终抱着 “让中国文化冲出世界”的初心,完成一次又一次的中国设计、世界产品的蝶变与升级。

Eagle Brand insists to use the traditional Chinese culture ‘moon window’ as the representative elementin the design of the booth,blending the rich color elements with the traditional and modern structures to show the beauty of the modern Chinese culture to the world ceramic industry and spark the design inspiration.Hereby, at the 23rd attendance in Cersaie,with the original intention of ‘Let Chinese culture break through the world’ Eagle Brand has completed the upgrades and evolution of Chinese design and world products.



Pearlesenct Rock series firstly exhibits in the world top exhibition,

showingthe beauty of Chinese ceramics.


At this Bologna Ceramics and Sanitary ware Expo, Eagle firstly shows its flagship product Pearlesenct Rock series which released in 2021. It uses starry sky, crystals, and pearls as the blueprint, drawing on the artistic inspiration from the paintings of Monet and Van Gogh, adds a touch of bright colors to main market of black, white and gray. It includes three sub-series: smoky crystal, star gemstone, and pearlescent , with a total of seven colors.


Due to the superposition of different raw materials such as colored frit, granular, and transparent granular,as well as under the high-temperature calcination,the products emit the shimmering glitters from the inside to the outside.


The ingenuity in classic products


Besides, Eagle also exhibits its classic series SNOW WHITE ,PURE COLOR , SOLAR STONE and SALT and PEPPER which have been the best sellers abroad for more than 10 years.

With the the continuous upgrades of technology and innovation of craftsmanship,these products demonstrate the unique charm of the classics.They are the cornerstone of the products of Eagle Brand that has been established for 47 years, and they are also the embodiment of Eagle’s ingenuity.